March 3, 2010


I'm not sure that Margaret Brent and Alice Stone Blackwell would agree with the tactics of Baylor freshman Brittney Griner who decided that she would use her fists (actually it was more like a clothesline) instead of her jumpshot in retaliation to Texas Tech sophomore Jordan Barncastle's initial rough tactics. You never like to see this in sports, but I have to say that if this is what it takes to make women's sports more exciting than maybe there should be more hockey-esque breakouts of violence.

Your playing basketball, not Aussie Rules footie. And if you're going to throw a punch, PLEASE make sure you knock her out. If you're going to do the deed you'd better be committed. You really want to be the enforcer? Than be a man and put your work in and make sure the other dude wakes up in another time zone.

All kidding aside, Griner's meltdown is reminiscent of last year's New Mexico Lobo Elizabeth Lambert's classic violent outburst against BYU in a soccer match. We watch sports to enjoy the skill, athleticism and intelligence of its athletes. Even when you are expecting violence in a sport, such as mixed martial arts or boxing there is still an underlying undertone; an unspoken principle in any sport: sportsmanship.

For her lack of sportsmanship, Griner is the first female recipient of the O.J.

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