March 1, 2010

Oh Yeah? Take That!

When two top-ten college basketball teams meet, particularly if they are conference rivals, there is bound to be some heated confrontations. Players will trade shots, elbows and insults from the opening tip off to the final whistle. And in any competition where there are two worthy opponents who have given every ounce of sweat and strength to achieve a favorable outcome, the true character of an individual is eventually exposed.

On the night of the BYU-University of New Mexico basketball game last week, two very evenly matched opponents, both vying for the coveted Mountain West Conference title, BYU forward Jonathan Tavernari and UNM Head Coach Steve Alford got into a heated argument in which Alford shouted an expletive at Tavernari for not shaking his hand.

Whether you think Tavernari was in the wrong for not shaking Alford’s hand or that Alford was justified in cussing out Tavernari for his obvious slight, both men displayed absolute disregard for sportsmanship and common decency.

It’s never good to lose your temper but its far worse to lose your dignity. For that, Tavernari and Alford share today’s O.J. for displaying unsportsmanlike conduct.

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